3D Print File: Upper Telescope Tube
for Keck SCIENCE Kit
Order code: STL-KSK-UPPER

This is a photo of a 3D-printed Upper Telescope Tube component for your Keck Telescope Space Craft SCIENCE KIT.
The laser-cut paper version of this component, which is included in the kit, is certainly the most delicate part of the model, and it is perhaps the most difficult piece to work. Downloading and printing this 3D Print file provides a great solution and improves the realism of your model. It also makes it a little easier to connect the Secondary Mirror Spider component.
This 3D-Print component can be used to refurbish an older all-paper Kesk Telescope SCI Kit, especially helpful if its delicate paper Upper Telescope Tube has been warped or gotten crushed.
$0.99 to download.
FILE IS 442 kB
Printing Guidelines:
For printing using FDM, this component only requires a single extruder machine; no support material is required. Use your choice of material for printng. Grey plastic would be good, or something that can be painted grey.
Set your slicer and/or printer to print each part WITHOUT any "raft" below the part. Use the following configuration settings:
- Layer height: 0.15 mm
- First layer height: 0.25 mm
- Minimum number of perimeters: 2
- Solid layers: 2 top, 2 bottom
- Fill density: 0.25 honeycomb
- Support material: disabled
- Raft layers: 0
IMPORTANT: The following must be set for each extruder to avoid crashing and breaking trusswork during print head (extruder) movement:
- Lift Z: 1 mm (printer setting)
The Keck Telescope Space Craft SCIENCE KIT is sold separately.
View the Keck Kit's Assembly Instructions.
View the Keck Kit's Fact Sheet.