Art Center at Night

Art Center at Night

  • A hundred years ago, automobiles were new.
  • What are spacecraft? How do they work? What roads do they follow?
  • We have new "senses," developed for space exploration. Are design students to be affected by ability to see in the infra-red? The ultra-violet? Gamma rays? How do these new senses work?
  • How is flying to Mars different from flying to Amsterdam? How is vehicle design different?
  • Designers deal constantly with advancing technology. Cell phones, medical devices... music- and imaging- CD and DVD systems... these and many other technologies have their developmental roots on the edges of robotic space flight exploration. Grasping these roots helps the smart designer stay abrest.
  • We are encountering new worlds, seeing them for the first time today! Design shall not be forever earthbound.
  • Location, location, location. We live on a rare and fragile planet, the companion of an average star orbiting a galaxy's central black-hole region. A wide-angle, precisely focused, perspective of our life situation is appropriate.
  • How does space travel influence design?
  • How does design influence space travel?
  • Brilliant students will make brilliant connections.

Course Syllabus

Checklist of Course Objectives

Detailed Objectives Self-Evaluation Format

Poster #1

Poster #2

Poster #3

Poster #4

Poster #5

Dave's Resume