
This page is in an early stage of work.

But at least here's a link to the book Natasha by Suzanne Finstad, who mentions Donald and Bill and friends. Donald would no doubt have a lot to say about Finstad's account. When I colaborated with the author in November of '99, I tried my best to remember all Don would have wanted to say. But the author says that Doug Bombard, who was our boss, found Natalie Wood's body. Donald always maintained he, Donald, had found her.

The later chapters give a lot of the details of the party at Doug's Harbor Reef that were familiar to me from listening to Don's story. She mentions, for example, Don calling our harbor patrol friend Curt to caution him the party was intoxicated as they were leaving the restuarant. Curt then helped the party board their dinghy for the trip back out to Splendour.

Here's a large image of the page of notes Donald took, during the radio calls and search. They're in his own handwriting.