I hold that there are some actual spiritual truths, and even though missed entirely by some very well-established religious systems, they are of ultimate value.

  • Research, thinking, and studying, are good for starters, but too like a slow serial data transfer. Better, like massive parallel realtime transfer from the source, is the immediate and full link in the absence of needless thought and other habitual activity.
  • Recognizing that there's a thick, tarry world of thought throughout the human race, one can then recognize that one doesn't have to buy into a word of it! It's only thought! Letting go of that entire mentosphere, not even using the thinking aparatus, that's what JC was pointing to with such notions as "in the world but not of it," and being "reborn."

    I don't mean leave it forever, just for refreshment on a regular basis. There's so much to be learned by just watching.

  • Humans can awake. In fact, it is time to awaken now.
  • Awakening is something we have all probably noticed once or twice in our lives, but may have passed it off as a "deja-vu" of some sort. Very subtle. But if brought to focus, that is realizing who it is that is the seer and thinker, is the tiny, elusive path to full awakening.
  • JC did not say, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." If he made any comment like that, he probably said, "The 'I am' is the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through the 'I am'."

    ...which I presume has been mangled in translation and evangalism for many centuries.

  • Belief in God separates you from God. God can only be known through direct experience. - Leonard Jacobson