
I don't believe the California politicians need to yield to the "Energy" industry's campaign to build us a system of liquified-natural gas (LNG) terminals along the coast.

I don't believe in God.


Do believe in supporting an infrastructure that generates electrical power on a distributed basis, with moderate use of solar photovoltaic systems, small wind generating installations, and the like, for residences and industries. With other renewable and minimally-polluting sources of electrical power. With conservation measures. With transportation systems drawing upon those renewable sources. THIS CAN BE DONE!

Believe the Old Oil folks are in power 'round here, though. B'lieve they want to keep us waging wars and baiting terrorist actions, 'cause it sustains a growing military-oil-nuclear-industrial-did-I-say-War machinery. B'lieve we gotta do something about that pretty soon, in legal and non-violent ways.

Believe the U.S. is missing enormous opportunities to lead the world in the application of green technologies and maintaining a scientific edge in general. And that we will suffer the consequences. David Baltimore details the trend of sciences fleeing the U.S. Hey, and I believe we're missing what may be the ONLY opportunity to minimize if not reverse global warming.


  • My government shall not tax its citizens to pay the church. Not any church. Not for any reason.
  • My government shall uphold my right to be who I am, as "God" made me (no matter one's rejection or acceptance or definition of that G-word).
  • My government shall not invade or inflict wars on other nations except in case of clear, unanimous and urgent international mandate.

Snippets that sound believable to me:

A collection of some random statements from around here and there.
  • Don't miss the fact that Heaven is Here and Heaven is Now, instead dreaming and evangelizing of some perfect hereafter, while trashing the Here and ignoring the Now.
  • Let the River run! Let all the dreamers wake the nations.
  • Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.

I believe we should not be using up resources that belong to future generations It's foolish and unethical to wage and provoke wars to "secure" control of those resources.

Our nation should be leading the world in creating for future generations an energy policy and and infrastructure based on clean, renewable sources -- instead of being led by powerful corporations blindly down a dead-end path. There's a nice stable nuclear fusion reaction taking place at just the right distance (150 million km) from us. All we need do is tap into it!

As I demonstrate, the technology is in place, and only needs large-scale implementation. It would be inexpensive and easy our national government to significantly reduce consumption of fossil fuels.

I feel it is criminal to present piles of nuclear waste to our next generations, saying, "Here, you kids figure out how to transport it and store it safely for forty thousand years, and don't let anybody do anything bad with it, ever; you kids please entomb all our old nuclear reactors for us; and by the way you can deal with acid rain from the coal we plowed up and wasted."

Today, renewable sources count for only two percent of the electricity generated in the U.S., while petroleum counts for three percent. Coal and nuclear are our main sources for generating electricity. Our transportation "system" is a whole 'nother story. I'm committed to doing what little I can to demonstrate that it's easy to meet our energy needs in a clean and sustainable way!


Stumbling upon the Belief-O-Matic while web-surfing one day, I find that my beliefs are, according to their algorithm, "100% Unitarian Universalism" and "93% Liberal Quaker."

Ok, well, I do like Quaker furniture.

" 'Tis a gift to be simple... "

Oh, yeah, and I do believe there are some actual spiritual truths still obtainable.