Your Privacy and SCI![]() When you place an order with SCI, we'll add your name and address to our file, which is off-line (not connected to the net) in SCI's office. And that's where it will stay! We don't sell, or give away, or otherwise let out, any address lists, e-mail lists, or any other information about customers. We don't keep your credit card number or telephone number for more than about a month -- long enough to reasonably assume that you have received your order, and that you don't want to return it for credit. Then that information is simply erased. And so is your e-mail address. When we have a new product to announce, which has, unfortunately, been rare, we might use the address file, and send you a postcard or flier by first-class mail to tell you about it. If you'd prefer that we remove your name and address from even the off-line address file, and not send any U.S. Mail announcements, we'll be happy to do that. Or, if you wish to change the address information we have on file for you, let us know. Just send us a message and state your request.
No cookies, either. If you've explored the web a
little, you've probably found sites that want to "set a cookie" on your computer.
If you choose to order from SCI online, we use a secure "ShopSite" web server to handle the order form, and all the information you enter onto it is encrypted, so that eavesdroppers on the internet won't be able to obtain your address, telephone number, or credit card number. Only SCI will see this data intact, and we will treat it exactly as described above. But you don't even have to trust the system. We offer an offline order form, which you can print, and mail in with a check -- or fax it with credit card information.