When you place an order with SCI, we'll add your name and address to our file, which is off-line (not connected to the net) in SCI's office. And that's where it will stay! We don't sell, or give away, or otherwise let out, any address lists, e-mail lists, or any other information about customers. We don't keep your credit card number or telephone number for more than about a month -- long enough to reasonably assume that you have received your order, and that you don't want to return it for credit. Then that information is simply erased. And so is your e-mail address, unless you've explicitly told us you wish to receive (infrequent) e-mail announcements from SCI.
When we have a new product to announce, which has been happening about once every 18 months, we might use the address file, and send you a postcard or flier by first-class mail to tell you about it.
If you'd prefer that we remove your name and address from even the off-line address file, and not send any U.S. Mail announcements, we'll be happy to do that. Or, if you wish to change the address information we have on file for you, let us know. Just send us e-mail and state your request.
No cookies, either. If you've explored the web a
little, you've probably found sites that want to "set a cookie." Sometimes they want to set several.
Then when you return to that site later, they reach into your "cookie jar"
and retrieve information about you. Well, that might be OK for companies
who need to tailor product offerings to your preferences. But SCI's
products are few in number, and we just don't need (or choose) to keep your
browsing habits on file. In short, we're not collecting any information
from you, or about you, in any way, when you browse or use our web site.
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But you don't even have to trust the system. You can print and mail in your completed order form (or just write a letter) along with a check or credit card information.
You have my promise that SCI will value and respect your privacy, as we have been doing ever since we started offering mail order service in 1987. |
Note: If you browse or order a book through our new "Amazon Associates" Bookstore, you'll be dealing directly with Amazon.com for information, sales and service -- not SCI. |